Shih Tzu never thought you'd see: Fearful dog saves cat from raccoons
'If Sophie wasn't there our cat wouldn't be alive today,' owner says

Alexis Kunz was away at a wedding on P.E.I. when she learned her nine-year-old Shih Tzu, Sophie, saved her 13-year-old cat, Morrie, from two aggressive raccoons over the weekend in Williamswood, N.S.
"We were shocked because the dog is literally the most docile dog in the world," Kunz said. "Our toddler will dress her up in doll clothes, she'll give her bear hugs — she's just she's very calm and subdued."
Sophie weighs about 10 kilograms and Kunz said the dog is "pretty much afraid of everything — she's fearful of balloons, loud noises, shopping bags."
Kunz's mother was looking after the pets when the attack happened. At the time, she could hear a "very loud commotion" out on the deck and saw Morrie being attacked by the raccoons.
Shih Tzu 'biting the raccoons off the cat'
"Sophie ... instantly sprung into action, ran out on to the deck, barking and yipping and actually biting the raccoons off of the cat," Kunz said.
"She said it was quite the shocking sight to see and I think if Sophie wasn't there, our cat wouldn't be alive today."
Morrie is still recovering from the attack. One of his hind legs was injured but he's expected to make a full recovery.
"The vet actually said cats don't [usually] survive raccoon attacks — especially two raccoons because they're quite vicious and fast," Kunz said.
Cat and dog become friends
Morrie was a feral cat from Morrell, P.E.I., and "is not the friendliest cat," she said. The cat and Shih Tzu had only been around each other since July. Before the attack, when Morrie was around Sophie, he would growl and hide, Kunz said.
But when Sophie saw Morrie after the attack, Kunz said their dynamic seemed to change.
"She went over to Morrie and actually licked his back paw that had the bite — and that was quite sweet. He didn't growl, he just looked at her and kind of like, 'OK, you've earned this.'"