Halifax's Emera Oval sees more visits this year, so far
Skating is up 22%, as of Feb. 16

The Emera Oval is gliding along this season, with skating visits up 22 per cent compared to the same time last year.
"I think the weather has certainly played a factor into it," said Rhonda Dea, coordinator of aquatics and leisure services for the municipality.
The oval was closed 20 different times, including half days and full days, in the 2014/2015 season. This season, so far, the oval has been closed nine times. Two of those days were half days, said Dea.
There's something else that's getting people to lace up, too.
"I think the new building on site certainly helps with our indoor washrooms and our indoor warming area," she said.

Participation in skating lessons has also jumped: it's up by 27 per cent over this time last season.
"It shows that people definitely want to be outside. They definitely want to be participating in recreation," Dea said.
And Dea said it's not just families.
"It's wonderful because we're seeing such a diverse population."
That includes seniors, and newcomers. "That's wonderful to see," Dea said."People that have never been on skates before."
The snowshoes, a new addition this year, have been rented out 116 times.
Dea said there's been interest from school classes that want to go out together, and they're looking at purchasing more.