Syrian refugee clothing drive brings in bags of donations in Antigonish
The Syria Antigonish Families Embrace organization says community showing 'incredible kindness'

Donations are pouring in for two Syrian families set to arrive in Antigonish for Christmas.
The organization, Syria Antigonish Families Embrace, or S.A.F.E, is working to bring as many at seven families to the town. They've been told the first 11 people are set to arrive in the next few weeks.
Lucille Harper, chair of S.A.F.E, said people in Antigonish have banded together to offer to help the newcomers in all kinds of ways, including picking them up at the airport, translating, buying beds and other household items, and even stocking their new homes with typical Syrian food.
"The incredible kindness and thoughtfulness, and generosity, and wanting to share, and wanting to create a safe space for families that have seen so much war," said Harper.
More than 300 people are part of the effort to help. A dentist has offered free dental exams, and retired teachers have offered English lessons. Harper said it's part of a global response to the crisis.
"How often do you get the opportunity to respond to something that you see in the world," said Harper. "This is our, little grain of sand on the beach, we can't look after the whole beach, but this is our little grain of sand and we're going to do the best we can."
S.A.F.E has already raised $70,000, which will cover the cost of sponsoring three families in Antigonish. This week it asked the public for clothing donations, and received an overwhelming response.
"We've have probably 10 to 15 garbage bags of clothing donated so far and we're just on day two," said Michelle March, who is collecting donations at the Antigonish Family Resource Centre, Kids First.
Donations are being accepted until December 11th.