The doctor, principal, coach and athlete
Prominent Halifax-area men arrested in marijuana bust
Of the 29 people arrested this week in a medical marijuana bust, four names stand out because of their jobs and roles in the community.
Dr. Dinesh Sinha

Dr. Dinesh Sinha has a practice on Tower Road in south-end Halifax. He is a member of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Society, which is planning to build a community centre in Bayers Lake.
Police allege that he was selling prescriptions to grow medical marijuana.
The Nova Scotia College of Physicians and Surgeons suspended Sinha's licence to practise medicine in the province.
"The decision this morning was a decision based on public safety and that includes as well confidence of the public in the profession," said Dr. Gus Grant, the college registrar.
Sinha made headlines in 2007 when his office in Sheet Harbour was destroyed in a fire. He said he suspected it was started by someone breaking into his office looking for drugs.
Tyler Gregory Rutledge

Tyler Gregory Rutledge, 40, is principal at St. Stephen elementary school in north-end Halifax.
The news of his arrest was a shock to parents picking up their children at school Friday.
"He seemed like a decent upstanding person. He tended to rule with a bit of an iron fist, but I think the kids really respected him and appreciated his sternness," said Kim Good.
Mihai Apostol

Mihai Apostol, 41, was an elite kayaker who competed in the Olympics in 1996 and 2000. The Romanian-born paddler defected to Canada in 1989, while in Dartmouth for the world junior paddling championship.
A source in the sporting world tells CBC News that Apostol has dropped out of the sporting scene, which is unusual for an ex-Olympian.
Roger Stubbs

Roger Stubbs, 39, is a minor hockey coach with the Eastern Shore Midget AA team. Hockey Nova Scotia has stripped him of his duties indefinitely.