Cape Sharp Tidal turbine in Bay of Fundy ready to connect to the grid
Previous attempts overcome by power of the tides

It's a switch the Nova Scotia government has wanted to flip for years, and it's finally set to happen.
Energy Minister Michel Samson has confirmed that hydro power will be connected to the province's energy grid during an event involving Cape Sharp Tidal Venture at Fundy Ocean Resource Centre near Parrsboro on Tuesday.
Fishermen have concerns
The first of two massive tidal turbines was placed in position earlier this month.
The project, a joint venture between OpenHydro and Emera, has not been without controversy. A group representing fishermen in the Bay of Fundy has tried to delay the deployment, fearing an impact on marine life. They are calling for further study to allay concerns about potential harms to the fishery.
A judge recently ruled against an application to halt the turbines, and the project carried on.
Potential not without challenges
The turbines, which weigh a thousand tonnes each, are expected to generate enough electricity to power 1,000 homes. The news comes on the same day the province announced a deal with the federal government to further reduce greenhouse gases while delaying a total phase-out of coal-fired power beyond 2030.
A previous attempt to deploy a turbine failed when the massive power of the tide overloaded the machinery.