Whitney Pier's icy roads make for ice skaters' dream
When Devin Marks looked outside at the icy roads he decided to make the best of things
How icy is it in parts of Nova Scotia after Sunday's storm? Icy enough to play hockey on some city streets.
Devin Marks awoke Monday to find the streets in the Whitney Pier neighbourhood of Sydney a sheet of ice.
While conditions made travel difficult for cars, conditions were ideal for a game of ice road hockey.
"I woke up at my girlfriend's house, looked out the front window and I noticed the whole street was completely frozen. The first thing that came to my mind was that you could definitely skate on it," he said.
Marks grabbed a couple of friends — Corey Ross and Corey Mombourquette — hockey skates and headed outside to give it a try.
"When we went around the neighbourhood, we just had the puck, passing it around, skating down hills — stuff like that," he said.
Marks described the experience as the "best one of my life."

"It was my idea, originally, and then [my friend] got in on it and we called my [other] friend who lives across the street from my girlfriend that also played on my hockey team and he came out with us too. Then we just went bombing around the neighbourhood."
Marks said he has never seen conditions like that in Sydney before but he would "definitely" try it again.
"It was pretty rough, but honestly it was really solid, like it was surprisingly solid," he said.
Freezing temperatures, well below 0 C, continued overnight for much of the province.
"I haven't been out yet but it's been cold all night so I'm sure it's still icy out there and probably very rough," said Marks.