Order of Canada's newest appointments include Olympians, jurists, researchers
Editorial cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon, speedskater Nathalie Lambert among 113 named by Rideau Hall

Two Olympic medallists, the first Aboriginal to become lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick and a commissioner with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are among the 113 newest appointees to the Order of Canada.
Rideau Hall revealed the list today, ahead of Canada Day.
The list includes writers like Jacques Godbout and Robert Sawyer; editorial cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon; and Graydon Nicholas, the first Aboriginal to be a provincial judge in New Brunswick and later that province's lieutenant-governor.
Also on the list are Olympic speedskating medallist Nathalie Lambert and Cassie Campbell, who captained the women's hockey team to back-to-back Olympic gold medals.
Other appointees include Isabel Bassett, former CEO of TVOntario and a former Ontario cabinet minister; Michael Budman and Don Green, founders of retailer Roots Canada; Marie Wilson, a commissioner with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; and Dennis O'Connor, a retired judge who headed inquiries into the Maher Arar affair and the tainted-water scandal in Walkerton, Ont.
The Order of Canada, established in 1967, is one of the country's highest civilian honours and recognizes Canadians who have been high achievers in their fields, or have shown dedication or service to their community and country.

Here is the full list of recipients. (An asterisk indicates a promotion within the Order.)
Companions of the Order of Canada
Barbara Sherwood Lollar, geochemist
Officers of the Order of Canada
Kenneth Armson, forest management advocate
Ellen Bialystok, language researcher
Yvon Charest, president and CEO of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services
Gregory Charles, singer and performer
John Richard English*, historian and politician
Eduardo L. Franco, cervical cancer researcher
Jacques Godbout, writer and filmmaker
Serge Godin*, founder of technology security firm CGI
Robert Arthur Gordon, academic
Philippe Gros, genetics researcher
Piers Guy Paton Handling, CEO of the Toronto International Film Festival
Roberta L. Jamieson*, First Nations activist
Nathalie Lambert, Olympic speedskater
Andres Lozano, neurosurgeon
John McCall MacBain, philanthropist and founder of the McCall MacBain Foundation
John McGarry, academic
Rene Theophile Nuytten, deep-sea explorer
Dennis O'Connor, commissioner of the Walkerton and Maher Arar inquiries
Sophie May Pierre, commissioner for the British Columbia Treaty Commission
Thomas Quinn, business leader
Noralou Roos*, medical researcher
Abraham Anghik Ruben, Indigenous artist
Tsun-Kong Sham, scientist
Dorothy Shaw, women's health advocate
Anthony von Mandl, Okanagan wine maker
The Honourable Warren Winkler, former chief justice of the Ontario Court of Appeal
Ronald J. Wonnacott, free trade researcher

Members of the Order of Canada
Joseph Georges Arsenault, researcher and promoter of Prince Edward Island's Acadian history
Salah John Bachir, entrepreneur
Isabel Bassett, former Ontario cabinet minister
Gerald Batist, cancer researcher
Geoffrey Battersby, physician, politician and community leader
Francoise Baylis, medical ethicist and health-care advocate
Gregory S. Belton, philanthropist
Johanne Berry, businesswoman and mentor
Timothy Borlase, author and arts program specialist
Richard Fredrick Bradshaw, philanthropist
Peter Bregg, photojournalist
Donald C. Brinton, broadcaster and retired executive with Canwest Global Communications
Michael Budman and Don Green, founders of retailer Roots Canada
Cassie Campbell, Olympic hockey player and broadcaster
Mariette Carrier-Fraser, language rights advocate
The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, retired senator
Neena L. Chappell, caregiving and dementia researcher
Zita Cobb, social entrepreneur
Mary Cornish, pay equity advocate
L. Mark Cullen, horticulture educator and environmentalist
Madeleine Delaney-Leblanc, women's rights activist
Patricia Demers, academic
Serge Denoncourt, actor
Charlotte Diamond, children's entertainer
Rupert James Duchesne, customer loyalty management innovator
Michael Eskin, canola oil researcher
Carole Anne Estabrooks, health-care researcher
Yvon Ethier, musician
Gerald Richard Fagan, conductor and educator
Linda Marie Fedigan, primate researcher
Marie Esther Fortier, hospital administrator and researcher
Stephen Gaetz, homelessness researcher
Ned Goodman, philanthropist
Paul John Perry Guloien, jazz saxophonist
Barbara Hannigan, opera singer
Gregory Hanson, business leader
Susan Johnson, psychologist and therapist
Diane Juster, musician
Eli Kassner, co-founder of the Guitar Society of Toronto
Elaine Keillor, Canadian music historian
Hassan Khosrowshahi, business magnate and philanthropist
Michael Charles Klein, family and maternity care physician
Laurier Lacroix, Quebec arts historian
Mark Levine, oncologist and researcher
Shar Levine, science educator
Sidney B. Linden, former chief judge of the Ontario Court of Justice
Gail Dexter Lord, museum planner and manager
Steve Lurie, mental health care advocate
Bruce MacKinnon, editorial cartoonist

Harriet MacMillan, psychiatrist and pediatrician
Joe and Stephanie Mancini, homeless advocates
Roger L. Martin, business educator and academic
Don McKellar, actor, writer and director
Linda E. McKnight, publisher
Emily Molnar, ballet dancer and choreographer
Terrence Montague, cardiovascular disease researcher
Richard Ian Guy Morrison, Arctic shorebirds conservationist
The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, former lieutenant governor of New Brunswick
Niels Ole Nielsen, veterinarian and academic
Shane O'Dea, educator and orator
Robert Pace, Atlantic Canada business leader
Eric L. Peterson, philanthropist and Indigenous health-care advocate
Michel Picher, labour arbitrator
Deborah Poff, academic administrator

Andrew M. Pringle, investor and chairman of the Toronto Police Services Board
Daniel Reiss, environmentalist and chairman of Polar Bears International
Howard Warren Rundle, former president of Fanshawe College
Robert J. Sawyer, science fiction writer
Kathryn Shields, women's basketball player and coach
Ilkay Silk, actor, director and playwright
Jean Swanson, anti-poverty activist in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Kathleen Patricia Taylor, former president and CEO of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
Richard Tremblay, founder and director of the Canadian Organ Donors Association
Louis Vachon, president of the National Bank of Canada
Geraldine Van Bibber, former commissioner of Yukon
David Vaver, intellectual property law as a scholar
James W. St. G. Walker, historian
Michael A. Walker, founder of the Fraser Institute
Howard Wetston, judge, former chairman of the Ontario Energy Board and the Ontario Securities Commission
Catharine Whiteside, medical researcher
Marie Wilson, commissioner with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
James G. Wright, pediatric orthopedist
Glenda Yeates, former deputy minister of Health Canada