Danny Globerman
Retired CBC Journalist
Latest from Danny Globerman

Ottawa's past in pictures: Looking back on lost landmarks
Many of the architectural gems that were once commonplace in Ottawa are now long gone. We look back at a heritage that, for the most part, now survives only in photographs.
Canada -Ottawa -Multimedia |

Ottawa's past in pictures: Disasters that shook the city
In many ways, Ottawa is a city forged by fire and other disasters. Over the years, landmarks, neighbourhoods, and even Parliament itself have all destroyed, only to be restored or reborn in a new form.
Canada -Ottawa |

Ottawa's past in pictures: Royal visits over the years happy and glorious events
As the capital of Canada, Ottawa has been a natural and frequent stop for many royal visits. We look back at some of the regal visits that have graced the capital over these past 150 years.
Canada -Ottawa |

Ottawa's past in pictures: Royal visits over the years happy and glorious events
As the capital of Canada, Ottawa has been a natural and frequent stop for many royal visits. We look back at some of the regal visits that have graced the capital over these past 150 years.
Canada -Ottawa -Multimedia |

Ottawa's past in pictures: A fledgling capital comes alive
With Canadians celebrating a year-long 150th birthday party, CBC Ottawa is digging into the archives for the unusual, the revealing, and the historic images from our city's past.
Canada -Ottawa |
Down to zero: How this Ottawa entrepreneur plans to change the way you buy food
An Ottawa teacher-turned-entrepreneur is preparing to open the city's first zero-waste grocery store and provide people with a whole new way to shop.
Canada -Ottawa |

A licence to be a landlord? Ottawa councillor mulls pilot project
Ottawa city councillor Mathieu Fleury says he wants to explore the idea of licensing landlords as a means of providing added protection for tenants.
Canada -Ottawa |
Have they got a deal for you! How a visit to Algonquin can save a bundle
Everyone likes to save money. But not everyone knows about how Algonquin College can be one of Ottawa's best-kept secrets when it comes to finding bargains.
Canada -Ottawa |
TVO dropping over-the-air transmission outside Toronto
Ontario's public broadcaster is about to become less available to the public. TVO is eliminating its over-the-air signal throughout the province with the exception of Toronto in an effort to save $1 million a year.
Canada -Ottawa |
Winterlude 2017 countdown: 5 new events at this year's festival
For those hungry for something a little different, Winterlude organizers have added some new events and attractions to this year's edition of the annual winter festival.
Canada -Ottawa |