Bill Lishman and his new iceberg sculpture at Canadian Museum of Nature
An arctic-inspired iceberg sculpture, designed by sculptor Bill Lishman, is near completion on the grounds of the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Sculpture took 4 years from concept to construction

An arctic-inspired iceberg sculpture, designed by sculptor Bill Lishman, is near completion on the grounds of the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Lishman, also known as "Father Goose" for being the first human to lead birds in the air with an aircraft, has spent the past four years working on the iceberg sculpture for the museum.
The CBC's Alan Neal dropped by the museum to speak with Lishman about the 13-metre high sculpture constructed out of a number of stainless steel parts.
While Neal was there, he snapped a few photos of the artist with the sculpture, located on the tundra section of the gardens on the museum's property.

Lishman calls this section of the sculpture, shown in the two photos below, "the shard." It heats up in the sun.

This is Lishman peering out of the main iceberg and the recently added "bergy bits."