Pot's been legal for 6 months. So what?
We're asking you what's changed since Ontario became your dealer

Wednesday marks six months since the province of Ontario became our first legal pot dealer.
Recreational marijuana use became legal in Canada on Oct 17, and the online Ontario Cannabis Store opened for business the same day, not always to glowing reviews.
It would be another five and a half months before Ottawa's first licensed bricks-and-mortar pot shops opened their doors.
Gatineau's first store is expected to open at the Centre La Gappe in late spring or early summer.
In February, Statistics Canada reported 4.6 million Canadians had consumed cannabis in the previous three months — about the same number as before legalization.
This month, the agency reported the average price for a gram of legal marijuana is $9.99, more than three dollars higher than on the black market, where it sells for $6.37 per gram — significantly less than it cost before legalization.
So what's changed for you?
We're asking our readers to weigh in.
Something's in the air.
I smell pot more often while walking around Ottawa, but I'm from BC so this is nothing new
Stinks - smell it on people when shopping - my daughter smelled in on a guy signing his child out of school one afternoon. He was driving 🙄
I haven't actively sought any. But I can smell it more around the city and on people riding the bus. So, I think people feel more comfortable about using, less stigmatized. Negatively though, have observed (2 occasions) people using vape pens with weed on buses in transit.

There's less stigma.
I'm 26 and have smoked pot since I was 13. I find the only change has been how open I can be about it now. Not everyone who smokes pot is some burnt out loser! I'm smart and successful, and smoking pot has never held me back like everyone told me it would.

The only material change for me has been people being open and honest about things that help them get through life, be it for relaxation or pain relief.
A friend of mine now seems more talkative because he can discuss his true passion legally: growing weed. And smoking it. He chats about it freely, so people think he's somehow coming out of his shell. Otherwise, not affected me at all more than an occasional whiff.
The quality could be better.

- Prices are high<br>- Usually out of what you want. Illegal to buy online from another province<br>- Limited selection<br>- No way to return defective product once opened (but how would you know it was defective?)<br>- Black/grey market still has more selection at better prices
I find it almost impossible to find quality pot now. Legal stuff is garbage and less people are small time dealers.
And then nothing happened.
Zero effect. Of course I live in rural Kanata...
<a href="https://t.co/50yIChAw4X">pic.twitter.com/50yIChAw4X</a>

Remember Y2K? We held our breath and nothing happened. Same with cannabis legalization.