Changing diaper on restaurant table sparks online debate
Reaction on Twitter after story told on Ottawa Morning

The story of an Ottawa mom who was chastised for changing her baby's diaper on a restaurant table has sparked a range of support, outrage and disgust online after airing on Ottawa Morning.
Candice Pouliotte is petitioning for all businesses in Ontario to install baby change tables, including restaurants, community centres and movie theatres.
Changes to the Ontario Building Code that came into effect this January require newly built, larger restaurants to have a family washroom with a change table but the rule doesn't apply to older establishments.
Ottawa Morning host Robyn Bresnahan asked for your thoughts on Twitter.
'Just gross'
<a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> <a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> when I think back what my boys put out.... <a href="">#yuk</a>! Change them on something I eat off? Never!
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> I have a kid who is still in diapers and I'd NEVER even think to do that. Just gross! Many other options. Owner totally right.
You are right <a href="">@AngryKitchenMom</a> Disgusting. We plan our restaurant meals around allergies, as many do. Some plan for accessibility.
'Restaurant's fault'
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> I sympathize w/ the mum who changed the diaper on restaurant table - this is a regular challenge for dads in many places.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> if they don't have change tables, it's the restaurants fault. Where else was she supposed to change the baby, the bathroom floor?
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> change a baby on the grass or on a nearby park bench? sure, if it isn't the winter!
Floor is fine
<a href="">@AngryKitchenMom</a> <a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> <a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> I changed mine on the floor. Never hurt them - they are now in their 20s.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> I've had to use a diaper pad and the bathroom floor a few times. Not ideal but not a big problem either.
<a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> <a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> so no, not mandatory. We went out to our car and made it happen with a disabled child!!!!
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