Letters to my child
CBC Ottawa invites moms to write letters of advice and encouragement

They say don't blink, because your child will grow up before you know it. One minute, you're cradling a baby in diapers, and the next, you're planning for their high school graduation.
That's the beauty of motherhood—you get to see that little person grow and evolve into an adult who's ready to take on the world. You hope that you've given them all they need to do good and conquer the world, and you know, that no matter what, you'll always love and care for them.
CBC Ottawa has partnered with Colours of Mama, an Ottawa-based community resource for racialized moms, to share a special digital series called Letters To My Child in celebration of Mother's Day 2021. Three mothers wrote letters to their children with words of advice and encouragement to help guide them as they grow.
Starting Wed., May 5, you'll be able to read their full letters on the @cbcottawa community Instagram account.