Concern that Sudanese refugee claim delayed in favour of Syrian applicants
Sudanese man in hiding in Jordan as hundreds deported back to Sudan

A Christian group in Perth, Ont. is concerned that even though the Sudanese man it is sponsoring as a refugee is in danger, plans to bring him to safety could be delayed in favour of prioritizing the growing Syrian refugee crisis.
The federal government has pledged to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of the year.
Northgate Ministry in Perth has been working with the Archdiocese of Toronto to bring a Sudanese man to Canada from Jordan. The man is among thousands who have fled the increasing violence in the west Sudan region of Darfur, particularly against Christians.
Shilke said the man is hiding in an apartment after seeing other Sudanese asylum seekers being rounded up by police in Jordan.
"Knowing that he can't leave his room. Knowing that his friends have been taken from the street and deported. Yeah, you put two and two together and you're afraid for him," he said.
Shilke said calls and emails to various government officials have been returned with a promise to check into the case but he's worried it won't be fast enough.
"One office in Ottawa said, 'Well send an email. We might look at it in 10 to 30 days.' But ... you know, something could happen tomorrow," he said.
After the man consented to have Citizen and Immigration Canada disclose his personal information to media, the agency was able to confirm that it is looking into this particular case.