Religious leaders turning to tech to hold their flocks together
As the COVID-19 crisis closes churches, synagogues and mosques, congregations are finding new ways to pray

Their traditions go back millennia, but COVID-19 is forcing change upon churches, mosques and synagogues across Ottawa.
Friday prayers, shivas and christenings are among the sacred events getting a modern-day makeover, thanks to the coronavirus.
Ontario's state of emergency means gatherings of more than 50 people are banned, but even before the edict, most places of worship in Ottawa had decided to halt services to help stem the spread of the respiratory illness.
Instead, faith leaders are using technology to minister to their flocks at a time when many need extra solace.
"The church is the people," said Rev. Brent Stiller, rector and senior pastor at St. Peter's and St. Paul's Anglican Church in Ottawa. "We're called to continue to love and serve one another, in whatever context we find ourselves."