What you need to know about COVID-19 in Ottawa on Tuesday, July 21
Key updates on the coronavirus pandemic in the region

Recent developments:
- Ontario has topped 200 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the first time this month.
- The 43 new cases logged in Ottawa today are the most since early May.
- Someone at a City of Gatineau day camp has tested positive for COVID-19.
What's the latest?
Ontario reported 203 new cases of COVID-19 in its Tuesday report, the biggest single-day jump in about three weeks.
Of those cases, 43 are in Ottawa, its largest single-day increase since the first week of May.
Ottawa Public Health has scheduled a news conference for 2:30 p.m. ET.
Parents who sent their children to a City of Gatineau day camp at école Saint-Jean de Bosco in Hull have been asked to have their kids isolated and tested after someone connected with the camp tested positive for COVID-19.
How many cases are there?
There have been 2,287 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa since the pandemic began. The number of deaths remains at 263. The vast majority of cases in the city —1,865 — are classified as resolved.
Gatineau has reported a total of 549 cases.
Kingston health officials haven't reported a new case of COVID-19 since Friday. That case was linked to a major outbreak mainly related to local nail salons. The region now only has one active case of the respiratory illness.
In all, public health officials have reported more than 3,600 cases across eastern Ontario and western Quebec, and more than 3,000 are resolved.
COVID-19 has killed 102 people outside Ottawa: 52 in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark counties, 17 in other parts of eastern Ontario and 33 in the Outaouais.
The last coronavirus-related death in the region was June 25, according to the health units.
What's open and closed?
Ottawa is now in Stage 3 of Ontario's reopening plan, which means larger distanced gatherings and more activities allowed inside.
Indoor visits will be allowed again at Ontario's long-term care homes as of tomorrow and up to 15 children can be at a daycare as of next week.
Quebec's back-to-school plans bring older students to classrooms again. Ontario has put three options for next school year on the table, while post-secondary schools are moving toward more online classes in September.
Distancing and isolating
The coronavirus primarily spreads through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. People don't need to have symptoms to be contagious.
That means physical distancing measures such as working from home and in Ontario, staying at least two metres away from anyone they don't live with or have in their circle.

Ottawa's medical officer of health said in mid-July people should be ready for COVID-19 social restrictions well into 2021 or 2022.
Masks are now mandatory in indoor public settings in all of eastern Ontario and Quebec.
Anyone who has symptoms or travelled recently outside Canada must self-isolate for at least 14 days.
Specifically in Ottawa, anyone waiting for a COVID-19 test result must self-isolate at least until they know the result.
The same goes for anyone in Ontario who's been in contact with someone who's tested positive or is presumed to have COVID-19.
Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health strongly urges self-isolation for individuals who have weakened immune systems and Ottawa Public Health recommends people over 70 stay home as much as possible.
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What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
COVID-19 can range from a cold-like illness to a severe lung infection, with common symptoms including fever, a dry cough, vomiting and the loss of taste or smell.
Less common symptoms include chills, headaches and pinkeye. The Ontario government says in rare cases, children can develop a rash.
If you have severe symptoms, call 911.

Where to get tested
In eastern Ontario:
In Ottawa any resident who feels they need a test, even if they are not showing symptoms, can now be tested at one of three sites.
Inuit in Ottawa can call the Akausivik Inuit Family Health Team at 613-740-0999 for service, including testing, in Inuktitut or English on weekdays.

Testing has also expanded for local residents and employees who work in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit area.
There is a drive-thru test centre in Casselman and assessment centres in Hawkesbury and Winchester that don't require people to call ahead.
Others in Alexandria, Rockland and Cornwall require an appointment.
In Kingston, the Leon's Centre is now hosting the city's test site. Find it at Gate 2.
Napanee's test centre is open daily for people who call for an appointment.
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The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark unit asks you to get tested if you have a symptom or concerns about exposure.
It has a walk-in site in Brockville at the Memorial Centre and testing sites in Smiths Falls and Almonte which require an appointment.
The public health unit in the Belleville area is asking people to call it, their family doctor or Telehealth if they have symptoms or questions.
You can arrange a test in Bancroft, Belleville or Trenton by calling the centre and in Picton by texting or calling.
Renfrew County is providing pop-up testing in five communities this week and home testing under some circumstances.
Residents should call their family doctor and those without access to a family doctor can call 1-844-727-6404 to register for a test or if they have health questions, COVID-19-related or not.
In western Quebec:
Outaouais residents should call 1-877-644-4545 if they have symptoms for further assistance, which can include an appointment for a test.

First Nations:
Local communities have declared states of emergency, put in a curfew or both.
Akwesasne has opened a mobile COVID-19 test site available by appointment only. Anyone returning to Akwesasne who's been farther than 80 kilometres away is asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
Anyone in Tyendinaga who's interested in a test can call 613-967-3603 to talk to a nurse. Face coverings are now mandatory in its public buildings.
Both councils are starting to offer more services this week, though Akwesasne is not opening sports facilities nor Akwesasne Child Care yet.
People in Pikwakanagan can book an appointment for a COVID-19 test by calling 613-625-2259.
Kitigan Zibi is planning for an Aug. 29 election with changes depending on the status of the pandemic at that time.
For more information
- Ottawa Public Health.
- Your local eastern Ontario health unit.
- The Ontario Ministry of Health (in several languages).
- The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l'Outaouais.
- The Public Health Agency of Canada.