Key COVID-19 numbers in the Ottawa area today
Ottawa reports no more COVID-19 cases or deaths

- Ottawa reports no more COVID-19 cases Wednesday.
- Public health reports 60% of adults and 50% of the total population fully vaccinated.
Today's Ottawa update
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) reported no more COVID-19 cases or deaths Wednesday. There are 25 known active cases.
The city's deputy medical officer of health, Dr. Brent Moloughney, said Wednesday the city's trends suggest it's ready to move to Step 3 of Ontario's reopening plan Friday.
He said it's important to keep ahead of the virus by following guidance and getting vaccinated, pointing to surges in cases and hospitalizations elsewhere.

Numbers to watch
0.8%: The rate of COVID-19 tests coming back positive, which has decreased.
0.56: The number of people infected by a single COVID-19 case, or R(t). The spread of the coronavirus is considered under control if that figure is kept below one and it's been below one for nearly three months.
2.7: The weekly incidence rate, a rolling seven-day total of new COVID-19 cases expressed per 100,000 residents.
1: The number of Ottawa residents being treated for COVID-19 in an Ottawa hospital. The last time this number was this low was July 2020.
0: The number of those patients in an ICU.
752,233: The number of Ottawa residents who have received at least the first vaccine dose, about 3,000 more than in Monday's update.
526,804: The number of Ottawa residents who are fully vaccinated, about 28,000 more than Monday.
82%: The percentage of Ottawa residents 12 and up — all those who are currently eligible for a vaccine — who have at least one vaccine dose.
60%: The percentage of Ottawa adults who are fully vaccinated.
57%: The percentage of eligible Ottawa residents who are fully vaccinated.
50%: The percentage of all Ottawa residents who are fully vaccinated.
Across the region
There are currently fewer than 100 known active cases in eastern Ontario and western Quebec.
Health authorities in the Outaouais haven't yet given their Wednesday update.
Most other eastern Ontario health units are generally reporting a handful of new cases a week, and have about five or fewer known active cases.
The exception is the Kingston area, which is dealing with a hospital outbreak linked to 13 known active cases as of Tuesday.
The Ontario government will further lift COVID-19 restrictions on Friday, allowing for larger gatherings, indoor dining and gyms to reopen.
All of Quebec is under green zone rules, with recently loosened distancing rules.