Evidence seized at coffee shop near Gatineau Park slaying
Evidencewas seized Monday fromthe washroom of aTim Hortons restaurantnear the Gatineau Park parking lot where a woman was found near death on Sunday morning, police said.

The Tim Hortonsis onBoulevard St-Raymond,less than akilometre from the welcome centre at Promenade de la Gatineau and Rue Gamelin in the park's south end.
Gatineau police Lieut. Jean-Paul LeMay would not give any detailsabout the seizedevidence.
On Monday, police also used dogs to searchalong the main road passing through the 361 square-kilometre park for evidence that may have been thrown out a car window.
Thevictim later died in hospitalin Gatineau, Que., across theOttawa River from Ottawa.
LeMay said therewas nothing to suggestthat the victim was a targeted,lone female park user. In fact,thereis no evidencethe womanwas thereto usethe popular hikingandskiing trails at all.
An autopsy of the woman's body is scheduled for Tuesday in Montreal.
LeMay said police will provide more information at a news conference on Wednesday morning.