Final report into Ottawa bus-train crash expected before end of 2015

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada's final report into the Ottawa bus-train crash is expected to be complete before the end of the year, the agency says.

This Friday marks the two-year anniversary of the incident.
"Our condolences to the families and loved ones," said Julie Leroux, a TSB spokesperson.
"We know they want to get the answers as soon as possible, and they will. The report is supposed to be released by the end of the year, so by then they will know what really happened," Leroux said.
In July the agency said a draft of the final report had been submitted to the City of Ottawa and Via Rail, which is standard procedure.
The city and Via were able to comment on the accuracy of the technical data, but didn't get to see the report's conclusions or findings, the TSB said at the time.