Former Oblates land gets go-ahead for 900-home development in Old Ottawa East
Developer also plans park, commercial space and multi-use pathway

The city of Ottawa's planning committee has given zoning approval to a 916-home development covering nearly 11 hectares of prime real estate along the Rideau River.
The Regional Group plans to build its Greystone Village development on land that was owned by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate for over a century. The developer has laid out a plan for low and mid-rise homes, a park, commercial space and a multi-use pathway.
The Deschâtelets building, which dates back to 1885, would be also be preserved.
"There was no doubt community anxiety about what would become of the Oblates property, such a large parcel of land in such an important part of Old Ottawa East," said Coun. Jan Harder, who chairs Ottawa's planning committee.
She commended residents, city planners, the developer and the area's councillor for providing an "exceptional example" of people working together.
"The end result will be an impressive new neighbourhood built in the midst of an impressive old neighbourhood," said Harder.
Steven Pope of the Old Ottawa Community Association confirmed the "happy comments" about everybody working together. He's said he's pleased the zoning amendment "shrink-wraps" the height of the buildings, and feels certain they will look like they do in the developer's drawings.
The zoning by-law amendment still needs the approval of city council.