How tight will Hastings–Lennox and Addington be this time?
Local riding with smallest population had area's closest race

This rural Belleville-area riding saw the Liberals squeak in by only 225 votes last time.
Former Tyendinaga Township councillor and business owner Mike Bossio unseated Conservative Daryl Kramp by 21,104 votes to 20,879 — a close call, but 14,000 better than his party's performance in 2011.
(Kramp went on to win the seat in the 2018 provincial election by a more comfortable margin of nearly 8,000 votes.)
Bossio is back against Adam Gray of the People's Party; Conservative Derek Sloan, a lawyer and former small business owner; David Tough of the NDP and Sari Watson of the Greens.
The riding is the area's smallest in terms of population and registered voters, and includes the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
The NDP has not yet nominated a candidate.
Candidates are included in this riding profile once they've been listed as a confirmed candidate by Elections Canada, chosen as the winner of a nomination contest or who were the chosen candidate by a party that got at least one per cent of the national popular vote in 2015.
Hastings–Lennox and Addington in 2015

Candidate questionnaires
CBC Ottawa sent every candidate running in eastern Ontario or western Quebec seven questions via their party or a publicly available email address.
They were asked to stick to 25 to 100 word answers, depending on the questions.
Their answers have not been edited by CBC.
Mike Bossio
Derek Sloan
David Tough
Sari Watson