Women-dominated ballot in Kanata–Carleton
Incumbent is Liberal Karen McCrimmon, who faced all-male competition last time

There's medical and military experience aplenty on the ballot for this west-Ottawa riding.
Liberal Karen McCrimmon, the first woman to lead a Canadian Forces flying squadron, was elected as the first representative of this new riding in 2015 by about 7,500 votes over the Conservative candidate.
Back then, she faced an otherwise all-male ballot. So far, four of the five names on it this time are women.
Only Ottawa Centre has a similar ratio.
The field includes the NDP's Melissa Coenraad, a medical lab worker and union president; well-known wedding dress designer Justina McCaffrey for the Conservatives; tech worker and self-described roller coaster enthusiast Scott Miller of the People's Party; and Green Party candidate Jennifer Purdy, a family doctor and another military veteran.
Candidates are included in this riding profile once they've been listed as a confirmed candidate by Elections Canada, chosen as the winner of a nomination contest or who were the chosen candidate by a party that got at least one per cent of the national popular vote in 2015.
Kanata–Carleton in 2015

Candidate questionnaires
CBC Ottawa sent every candidate running in eastern Ontario or western Quebec seven questions via their party or a publicly available email address.
They were asked to stick to 25 to 100 word answers, depending on the questions.
Their answers have not been edited by CBC.