Quick turnaround in Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
Michael Barrett won byelection in December, keeping seat blue

Voters in Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes were just at the polls in December, seven months after Conservative MP Gord Brown died of a heart attack.
Michael Barrett, a military veteran and former municipal councillor, kept the seat in Conservative hands, winning the byelection with nearly 58 per cent of the 29,152 ballots cast.
The riding sprawls north from the St. Lawrence River, encompassing communities such as Brockville and North Grenville.
Liberal Josh Bennett is challenging this time, along with are Green Party candidate Lorraine Rekmans, the former executive director of the National Aboriginal Forestry Association; Michelle Taylor of the NDP, who ran in December; and Evan Hindle of the People's Party.
Candidates are included in this riding profile once they've been listed as a confirmed candidate by Elections Canada, chosen as the winner of a nomination contest or who were the chosen candidate by a party that got at least one per cent of the national popular vote in 2015.
Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes in the 2018 byelection

Candidate questionnaires
CBC Ottawa sent every candidate running in eastern Ontario or western Quebec seven questions via their party or a publicly available email address.
They were asked to stick to 25 to 100 word answers, depending on the questions.
Their answers have not been edited by CBC.