LRT tunnel work to resume this week after sinkhole flooding
Rideau Street to reopen in a week, according to Rideau Transit Group

Excavation of the tunnel at Rideau Station is set to resume this week, after work stopped on June 8 when the tunnel flooded following a watermain break that led to the sinkhole on Rideau Street.
Water continues to be pumped from the west section of the city's light rail tunnel, wrote city manager Steve Kanellakos Monday in his latest update to Mayor Jim Watson and city councillors.
Some 300 metres of the tunnel flooded to a depth of up to 2.5 metres at its deepest point when the watermain broke.
But Kanellakos said excavation will resume this week and that overall, construction remains on schedule.
Watermain section to be replaced
Above the tunnel, Enbridge has completed its repairs in the sinkhole and Hydro Ottawa and Bell Canada are scheduled to start work in the sinkhole as soon as the latest round of backfilling is complete, Kanellakos wrote.
While work to repair the watermain has been "substantively completed," Kanellakos noted that inspections have revealed that an approximately 20 m section of the watermain to the west of the sinkhole needs to be replaced.
"This section of pipe was not damaged as a result of the infrastructure failure, but staff have recommended it be replaced as a preventative measure to ensure the stability of the surrounding infrastructure," he wrote.
Earlier today, Ottawa Public Health lifted a precautionary boil water advisory for 41, 45 and 80 Rideau Street after water testing found the tap water safe to drink.
Road a week away from reopening
Rideau Transit Group estimates it will be one more week before the Rideau Street intersection where the sinkhole formed can reopen.
Traffic closures remain in place on Rideau Street, Wellington Street, Sussex Drive and Colonel By Drive, to facilitate repair efforts and ensure the safety of crews.