Man's bike stolen on ride across Canada
Coady Lee locked up his ride outside the Museum of Civilization, then it was gone

A Halifax man on a cross-Canada cycling trip is stalled in Gatineau, Que., after his bike was stolen outside the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Coady Lee had come 5,000 kilometres from Vancouver on his way east when his Salsa Fargo bike and all his gear were pinched Sunday, leaving him with little more than the clothes on his body.
Lee brought his fully loaded bike to the museum on Sunday, locking it up at a bike rack outside. When he came out a couple hours later, the bike and everything on it was gone.

Video from a surveillance camera captured a man sitting on a ledge near the bike rack, then moving in to swipe Lee's ride.
Lee, who has been on the road for two-and-a-half months, lost a cherished memento from his sister, who has passed away, as well as a computer, clothing and other gear.
"It was hard losing the bike, but it's the stuff that didn't really cost money on the bike, like just personal items," he said.
Despite the theft of his beloved bicycle, Lee said he hopes to continue on. Friends are gathering together some cycling and camping gear to help him get back on the road.
"I never thought, like, 'This is the end of the trip. I'll just fly home and stay there.' I planned to bike to Halifax, and I know that I can do it on any bike."
People who want to help out can contact Coady Lee through his blog at