Your commute, by the numbers
Ever wonder if your commute takes longer than your friend's across town? Here's a breakdown

In Ottawa, not all commutes are created equal.
How much time you'll spend in transit depends on where you live and how you travel.
For the 2016 census, Statistics Canada asked people how they commute every day and how long it takes to get from home to work.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, people who live farthest from the downtown core have the longest commute, on average. People living in Cumberland ward spent the most time getting to work, with their commutes clocking in at an average 31.5 minutes.
At the other end of the spectrum, Somerset ward saw the shortest commutes — 21.1 minutes on average.
What could you do with an extra 20-odd minutes per day? If you could bank those hours at work, by the end of the year you'd have a two-week holiday.
Hover your cursor over each ward on the map below to learn a bit more about how long people who live there spend getting to work.
Ever find yourself waking up a little earlier than you want because you need to catch an earlier bus or avoid rush hour traffic?
The length of your commute likely has an impact on your schedule.
Still want to know more? Type a ward in the search bar below to find out how its residents get to work.