Back to the polls for voters in Ottawa–Vanier
Riding in east-central Ottawa a Liberal stronghold since its creation in 1933

For the busy voters of Ottawa–Vanier, it's back to the ballot box again.
Since the last federal election in 2015, the Ottawa riding has seen a provincial vote, a municipal campaign and byelections at all three levels, if you count the part that makes up the city's Rideau-Rockcliffe ward.
Federally, Mona Fortier kept the seat for the Liberals in an April 2017 byelection, with more than 51 per cent of the vote.
The riding has elected a Liberal in every federal election since it was created in 1933.
Fortier faces:
- Independent Joel Altman;
- Former New Brunswick MLA and current policy adviser Joel Bernard for the Conservatives;
- Former public servant and veteran Paul Durst for the People's Party;
- Christian Legeais of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada;
- Independent Daniel McHugh;
- Overdose Prevention Ottawa co-founder Stéphanie Mercier for the NDP;
- Derek Miller of the Rhinocerous Party;
- Green Party candidate Oriana Ngabirano, who ran in that Rideau–Rockcliffe byelection and runs Ottawa's Healthy Transportation Coalition;
- Feminist Canadian art historian Michelle Paquette of the Communist Party.
Candidates are included in this riding profile once they've been listed as a confirmed candidate by Elections Canada, chosen as the winner of a nomination contest or who were the chosen candidate by a party that got at least one per cent of the national popular vote in 2015.
Ottawa–Vanier in the 2017 byelection

Candidate questionnaires
CBC Ottawa sent every candidate running in eastern Ontario or western Quebec seven questions via their party or a publicly available email address.
They were asked to stick to 25 to 100 word answers, depending on the questions.
Their answers have not been edited by CBC.