Covering Parliament Hill during construction: Worth the cost?
'Trompe-l'oeil' often used in Europe to cover construction at well-known landmarks

Ottawa's tourism agency is calling for Centre Block's iconic facade to be replicated on fabric during a forthcoming decade-long rehabilitation project.
But the cost is a concern for the federal government, even though Parliament Hill is a key tourism attraction.
Special tarp proposed to hide Parliament Hill construction from tourists: <a href=""></a> <a href="">#ottnews</a> <a href="">#cdnpoli</a> <a href=""></a>
The debate over whether taxpayer dollars should be allotted to such a "trompe-l'oeil" aired Thursday on CBC Radio's Ottawa Morning.
So what did audience members think of the idea?
A Cdn eg of a trompe-l'oeuil at Quebec City's Chateau Frontenac. Does it work? <a href=""></a>
Most saw the aesthetic advantage of a 3D tarp, no matter how much it costs.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> I've seen this done all over Europe while on vacation. It works and looks surprisingly real.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> I’d hate to see just a picture of the building. The National Gallery’s “ice berg” was a great example of what to do.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> it's better then what the West Blocked looked like.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> It would be far preferable to scaffolding and white plastic wrap.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> Yes... seen it many times in europe. Recall 1 in italy with a tag line... 10yrs of work to preserve 1000 yrs of history
.<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> We're spending $1b on Parl precinct. To not find a less than $1m to support tourism for a decade is foolish. <a href="">#nickel</a>&dime
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> The Bay on Ste Catherine in Montreal used it. Different scale, but if The Bay can afford it, so can the government.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> Yes, but not only for tourists. We residents get pretty tired of ugly scaffolding downtown.
Others thought plain old scaffolding was't so bad.
The early estimates for the tarp have it costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, while government officials say they're willing to pay up to just one per cent of the total cost of the false facade.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> nope it is a construction site, treat it as such. Put money that would go towards this on additional safety 4 the workers.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> U.S. Capitol wears its scaffolding proudly. <a href=""></a>