Woman dies after being hit by car on West Hunt Club Road
Police say a suspect left the scene, but later came back

A woman was hit by a car and killed on busy stretch of West Hunt Club Road on Friday night.
The woman, who paramedics initially told CBC News was 26 but police later said was 22, had no vital signs when paramedics responded to the intersection of West Hunt Club Road and Sunderland Street just after 9 p.m.
Police initially put out a call for help to find a white car suspected of being involved in the fatal collision, but later said the vehicle and driver returned to the scene.
Police have not said whether or not charges are pending. The identity of the woman killed had not been released as of Saturday evening.
One of the people working at a nearby car dealership Friday night said it was dark and misty at the time of the crash.

"There were cop cars everywhere, right, left, east, west," said Cam Hadi. "A fire truck was there too. There were cops giving CPR to a person."
Hadi said there's a problem with speeding on that stretch of West Hunt Club Road, which is near many businesses, including a Costco and several car dealerships. He said he's seen a few serious collisions at the intersection where the woman was killed in the nearly six months he's worked there.
"Especially that area right in front of Costco, people are driving like 80, 100 kilometres an hour. I, myself, have a hard time sometimes [turning] left because people are running yellow lights, close to the red light," he said.
"We need to do something just to slow them down, maybe we put a sign there or maybe bring [the limit] down from 80 to 60 [kilometres an hour] to help out this area."
Coun. Keith Egli, who represents the area, was away but said in a Twitter message he wants a full report on Friday's crash from city staff so he can work on addressing any safety concerns.
This is the intersection where a 26-year-old woman was struck and killed while she was on foot last night. <a href="https://t.co/eJ3WQnqPIk">https://t.co/eJ3WQnqPIk</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ottwalk?src=hash">#ottwalk</a> <a href="https://t.co/7rrOgs8nzm">pic.twitter.com/7rrOgs8nzm</a>