Anti-Semitic graffiti leaves mark on Ottawa as social media reacts
Swastika, anti-Semitic slur spray-painted across front door of Anna Maranta's Glebe home

News that an Ottawa woman woke Tuesday to find anti-Semitic graffiti spray-painted across her front door was met with disgust and outrage in the nation's capital, a reaction that soon spread across the country.
Anna Maranta said she woke up very early Tuesday morning to find a swastika and the word "k--e" scrawled above it in red paint.
Racist graffiti spraypainted on Ottawa rabbi's front door: <a href=""></a> <a href="">#ottnews</a> <a href=""></a>
Maranta, who also runs a Jewish prayer centre and home daycare on Powell Avenue in the Glebe, initially covered the graffiti with newspaper.
The message was removed later Tuesday morning, but the story sparked outrage on social media.
In her own Facebook post, Maranta blamed the incident on last week's election of Donald Trump as the new president of the United States.
Many people seemed to agree.
2016: reopening Pandora’s Box. <a href=""></a>
This is what happens when nationalists like Trump get elected, it legitimizes hate crimes. This is a hate crime. <a href="">#ottnews</a> <a href=""></a>
Once again, it doesn't matter if Donald Trump did or did not mean the things he said. He legitimized and enboldened the deplorables. <a href=""></a>
We have plenty of horrid bigots of our own who are anxious to stop suppressing their urges. Don't let them go unchallenged. <a href=""></a>
Anti-semetic, misogynist racists don't all live south of the border, apparently. A little too close to home for me. <a href="">#MeanwhileInCanada</a> <a href=""></a>
No time for Canadian complacency. Hate lives here. We all have to fight it. <a href="">#racism</a> <a href=""></a>
Others used the incident to encourage inclusiveness and education.
Disturbing that this kind of maliciousness still happens. There is a still a need for open support of inclusion at all levels in society. <a href=""></a>
United Way Ottawa supports an inclusive and welcoming Ottawa. We are saddened to see this take place in a community as caring as ours. <a href=""></a>
Horrified by the anti-Semitic act in Ottawa. We must unite in our love, respect, diversity and unequivocal condemnation of hate crimes.
Canadians, call your local MLA, remind them that protecting diversity and equality are your key issues. Call don't tweet. ☎️ <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> <a href="">@CBCAlerts</a> Time to include the history of WWII in our schools. "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"
The hashtag #notmyottawa emerged.
Disgusted to see this. <a href="">#notmyOttawa</a>. Rabbi wakes up to find swastika, racial slur spraypainted on her front door <a href=""></a>
Unacceptable <a href="">#notmyottawa</a> - off to find a local anti-racism organization to donate to <a href="">#takeaction</a> <a href=""></a>
Somebody knows who did this. They need to stand up! <a href="">#notmyottawa</a> <a href=""></a>