Silken Laumann chats about bouncing back from burnout
How do you bounce back from stress and burnout when you're in the thick of it and it's weighing you down? Canadian Olympian Silken Laumann answered your questions during a live web chat on Thursday.
The Canadian Olympian shares her stories, tips, advice

How do you bounce back from stress when you're in the thick of it and it's weighing you down?
Canadian Olympian Silken Laumann was a guest on the Ontario Today radio show Thursday to share her tips and stories.
She came online after the broadcast to continue the discussion in a live web chat from 1 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
Laumann, whose 2014 memoir Unsinkable documents overcoming a devastating rowing injury and her struggles with mental health, will be available to answer your questions.
Click below to review the chat.