Here are the schools closing Wednesday
OSSTF launched work-to-rule campaign in November that involves a series of rotating one-day strikes

With all members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation on a one-day strike today, parents will need to know which schools are open and whether they'll need to pay for child-care.
Wednesday's strike is happening the same week members of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (EFTO) stopped supervising extra-curricular activities and participating in field trips or other activities outside regular school hours.
- Ontario public high school teachers hold 5th one-day strike as contract talks stall
- Parents brace for teacher walkouts
Here are all the schools that are closed:
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
All OCDSB elementary and secondary schools will be closed today.
- Here are some child-care options as Wednesday's teacher strike looms
- Why are OCDSB elementary schools in Ottawa closed today?
According to the board's website, this strike will also result in the cancellations of all co-op classes, apprenticeships, dual-credit courses and home instruction scheduled for today. Any extra-curricular activities, field trips, clubs and testing activities planned are also cancelled.
Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB)
Only students in Grades 9 to 12 will be affected by the strike.
Most of the board's high schools include Grades 7 and Grade 8 as well. Students in those grades are still expected to attend school.
The only schools under the UCDSB that do not include Grades 7 and Grade 8 are Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute and Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute.
While no students will be attending those schools, all non-teacher federation staff — the principal, vice-principal, office staff, custodial staff — will be showing up for work.
Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB)
All schools remain open.
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO)
All schools remain open.
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien (CSDCEO)
All CSDCEO schools will be closed Wednesday.
Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario (CEPEO)
All elementary and high schools under the CEPEO will be closed Wednesday with a few exceptions.
Its schools in Kingston, Trenton and Pembroke are unaffected.
In Kingston, that means École secondaire publique Mille-Îles and École élémentaire publique Madeleine-de-Roybon remain open.
In Trenton, students enrolled at École élémentaire publique Cité-Jeunesse and École secondaire publique Marc-Garneau are expected to attend.
In Pembroke, École élémentaire et secondaire publique L'Équinoxe remains open.
In Ottawa, the only CEPEO school that remains unaffected and open is the École des adultes Le Carrefour.
Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)
All CECCE elementary and high schools in Kingston, Trenton and Pembroke remain open. All other schools will be closed.
A full list of school closures for CECCE can be found here.
Daycares will remain open, with the exception of the Académie catholique Notre-Dame.
The CECCE's L'Éducation permanente and Le Centre éducatif will also remain open and are mostly unaffected by the strike.
Any child-care program run by CECCE and meant for school-aged children is cancelled. Parents and guardians are advised to make other arrangements.