Carleton's therapy dog gives paws to stressed students
Exam season can be stressful. You're often cramming, not sleeping and missing home. That's where Blue, Carleton University's resident therapy dog, comes in.
Blue the therapy dog has office hours on campus
Exam season can be stressful. You're often cramming, not sleeping and missing home.
That's where Blue, Carleton University's resident therapy dog, comes in.
Every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, you can visit Blue to, well, chase your blues away.
Meetings with the pup during his office hours are first come, first served, according to the school, but he can accommodate up to four people at a time.
Blue is an accomplished canine, having passed the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program.
You can find him in room 1520 in Dunton Tower. He's also quite social media-savvy, so you can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @CUTherapyDog for updates.
Blue is helping library dog Uncle Steven, an adorable, droopy-faced basset hound who started visiting with students during the summer.
During exam season, Uncle Steven will be on the MacOdrum Library's main floor every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
In the New Year, his 'paw'-ffice hours switch to Thursdays only.