Schools in Ottawa's largest board are getting ready for a surge in students and the risk of viral transmission during the global pandemic.
OCDSB provides a preview of the school year to come
CBC News ·
Here’s what classrooms may look like when students go back to school
5 years ago
Duration 0:58
With the start of another school year around the corner, classrooms, corridors and cafeterias have undergone big changes to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board refused requests for access by CBC Ottawa, but provided this footage instead.
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Schools in Ottawa's largest board are getting ready for a surge in students and the risk of viral transmission during the global pandemic.
Many aspects of school have changed to limit the spread of COVID-19 — there's more distance around teachers, water fountains are for refilling bottles only, younger kids work behind Plexiglas and hallways are marked with new directional signs.
CBC requested a tour inside an Ottawa school before the start of class but the OCDSB declined, saying staff were too busy preparing for back to school. Grade 9 students are set to head back to class Sept. 8 and 9, while the youngest elementary students are scheduled to begin class in mid-September.
Rather than provide CBC access to buildings ahead of time, the OCDSB provided videos and photos inside Broadview, Sir Robert Borden and Orléans Wood schools.
See-through shields separating young elementary students provide a barrier to help contain droplets. (submitted by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)
Board staff confirm that there will be plastic shields separating all students in kindergarten to Grade 3 when they are sitting at their desks. (submitted by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)
Small pylons and directional signs divide lanes at this school hallway at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board to help students and staff keep their distance. (submitted by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)
Desks are separated from each other and from the teacher. (Submitted by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)
Ottawa Public Health signs like these are posted inside Ottawa-Carleton District School Board schools. (submitted by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)