Seniors express hope, relief as they get COVID-19 vaccine
After a year of anxiety and missing their families, Ottawa seniors see light at end of tunnel

Looking forward to greater independence and lots of hugs, seniors 80 years and older were eager to roll up their sleeves at the new community vaccine clinic at the Ruddy Family YMCA-YWCA in Orléans on Wednesday.
After a long year of isolation and anxiety, they arrived for their appointments, often escorted by family members, and spoke about their hope of returning to the things they enjoy.
Viola White, 87

"It's a lovely day. I've been waiting a long time for this, and that means I can go and visit all my my children and my grandchildren and hug them. Family, but also I'll be able to go do my own grocery shopping. I will always be careful, but I will be more free to do things on my own."
"She's not been able to go to church or able to go to her social club, not been able to visit with friends. She's in our bubble, but she really has been, you know, a hermit. So this means an awful lot. We can maybe take her to the cottage in the summer and just expand her horizons. We've been celebrating since yesterday." - Donna White, daughter.
Marie Harris, 84

"It's just a wonderful day. It's a new beginning for everybody I think. I'm looking forward to hugging my grandchildren, my big 30-year-old grandchildren and seeing my new little great-granddaughter for the first time."
Denis Levesque

"I have complete faith in our health system. I'll be happy to [get the vaccine] its not just security, it's peace of mind. What I'm most missing is the kids and the grandkids. It's been over a year and you can't even embrace them. But I'm not complaining ... all you hear is complain, complain."
Jackie Taylor, 84

"Excited beyond words and relieved. My mom lives with me so this big for our sanity and hers. My mom was very self-sufficient, active, went to the hairdresser every week, went shopping for herself. She didn't go to a store since March 13 last year." - Lyne Taylor, daughter.
Tony Oliver

"I'm going to go home and have a glass of wine and celebrate. It's great."