81-year-old with Parkinson's Disease cycles to P.E.I. from B.C.
More than 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson's

An 81-year-old man is cycling across Canada to raise awareness about Parkinson’s Disease. By the time his journey is done, he will have travelled about 10,000 km.
Dan McGuire is 81 and started his cross country trip last year from the western most point in Canada.
The neurodegenerative disease affects more than 100,000 Canadians and currently there's no cure.
McGuire was diagnosed in 2007.
McGuire says Parkinson's has touched many aspects of his life, but not his willpower. He's been on his bike for most of his life and finds cycling therapeutic and says it gives him purpose.
People have accompanied him for parts of the journey. Peter Winford joined him last week in Edmundston, N.B.
“It’s very satisfying to help someone achieve their goal and that’s what’s happening here,” said Winford.
Winford will continue cycling with McGuire until they reach Sydney, N.S. McGuire says a new partner for the final leg to Cape Spear, Newfoundland, would be nice, but he is prepared to go it alone.