Abandoned baby birds in N.S. enjoy nests knitted by 2 P.E.I. women
Colourful nests keep baby birds warm at the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

You could say they have gone to the birds. Two Prince Edward Island women are using knitting needles to help baby birds survive.
Melina Deroches of Slemon Park and Jacinthe Basque of Rustico knit colourful nests for abandoned birds.
I just winged it and did it for the birds.- Melina Deroches
The nests look like large baby hats and are used at Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Nova Scotia to keep a variety of baby birds warm.
Desroches said she learned about making the nests on Facebook and shared it.
"I love birds and I felt it was something I could do to help them out," said Desroches. "I just winged it and did it for the birds."

"I had a lot of leftover yarn, and I decide why not use them for those little guys."
The wildlife centre started using the nests in April. They have helped many birds including an owl, crow, grackles, robins and starlings.