Federal election 2015: P.E.I. voters take advantage of advance polls
Polling locations busy over four days

Many Islanders lined up to vote at advance polls for the federal election over the past four days.
There were 19 advance polls open for P.E.I.'s four ridings.
Many at advance polls in Ch'town. Lines moving quickly today but earlier this wkend waits were up to an hour. <a href="http://t.co/vIxkSwx8Zp">pic.twitter.com/vIxkSwx8Zp</a>
Elections Canada regional media advisor Françoise Enguehard said there was a lot of traffic on Friday and Saturday at different polling locations.
"You know, there were long lines everywhere in the Atlantic provinces," said Enguehard. "There were long lines especially on Friday all across Canada and Elections Canada did the best that was possible to do to reassign people to change things around so that those long waits could be diminished a bit for people."
Elections Canada said 850,000 people voted across Canada on Friday, the first day of the advance polls. Another 780,000 voted on Saturday.
Advance polls close at 8 p.m. tonight.
Election Day is Monday, Oct. 19th.