Anne musical sequel seeks return home
Rights holder canvasses businesses for return of Anne and Gilbert
The man who owns the rights to Anne and Gilbert, the musical that tells the next chapter in the story of Anne of Green Gables, is determined to bring the show back to P.E.I.

Anne and Gilbert ran at the Harbourfront Theatre in Summerside for six summers, but ended its run in 2011. The theatre said it was too expensive to stage.
Producer Campbell Webster, the rights owner for the show, has hired a local company to raise business sponsorships to help pay for that cost.
"A big one for me is going after tourist operators," said David MacDonald, CEO of Confederation Entertainment.
"They are … the people who benefit most from having the show active."
Eight business owners have signed on as sponsors so far, in exchange for ads and free tickets.

"You need about $150,000 in sponsorship. That's to be in the clear and to make it work," said Webster.
"We're probably about halfway there."
One of the first to sign on was Jay MacDonald, owner Charlottetown's Elmwood Heritage Inn.
"What's in it for us? Happy customers - people that will leave and tell the story of having been to Prince Edward Island, and seen great theatre at the same time," he said.
The Harbourfront Theatre won't comment on the fundraising campaign, but Webster said management has agreed, at the very least, to rent out the theatre for Anne and Gilbert if he comes up with the money.