Boosting French teacher numbers UPEI program's goal
University reaching out to students with help from school boards, province

The University of Prince Edward Island is working to increase the number of students training to become French and French immersion teachers with help from the school boards and the province's Education Department.
School board officials have said these teaching positions are challenging to fill.
Currently 13 students are enrolled in UPEI's bachelor of education-français langue seconde (French as a second language) 12-month post-degree program.
Graduates are qualified to teach core French, French immersion or in French-language schools.
Ron MacDonald, UPEI's dean of education says he'd like to see at least 25 enrolled in the program by this time next year.
"Human resources people in the board have come to UPEI and visited and spoke with and encouraged people to come into the French programs at UPEI in order to continue on to the B.Ed. program," said MacDonald.
"So it's a matter of education, a matter of people understanding that there's a need, but also preparation. You know, we are trying to do outreach, we're trying to advertise, we're trying to expose students to the options. We're actually trying to talk with high school students to let them know about their career development options, really."
The university also hopes to collaborate with Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É. in some capacity, says MacDonald.
The university is also interested in fostering more French language and culture through special events and camps, he says.