Bridge shoulders expanded for cyclists

The P.E.I. government has expanded the shoulders on the Hillsborough Bridge to make it safer for cyclists making the trip between Charlottetown and Stratford.
Provincial traffic operations engineer Alan Aitken said the change came out of the active transportation plan developed by Charlottetown, Stratford and Cornwall.
"One of the areas that was noted was that there was fairly narrow shoulders for active enthusiasts, cyclists mainly, to get across the Hillsborough Bridge," said Aitken.
"One of the recommendations that came forward was to look at the shoulder width to see if any additional space could be garnered."
The province has narrowed the motorized vehicle lanes by eight inches on either side to make more room for cyclists and pedestrians on the paved shoulders.
The Transportation Department is not calling the shoulders bike lanes, but believes the space makes the bridge safer for anyone who wants to get across without a car.
There is still plenty of room for motorists in the narrowed lanes, said Aitken.
For mobile device users: What do you think of the expanded road shoulders on the Hillsborough Bridge?