Buddhist monks donate 1,000 ears of corn to Salvation Army
Salvation Army freezing corn so families in need will enjoy some fresh niblets this winter

A group of Buddhist monks from Montague donated more than 1,000 ears of fresh corn to the Salvation Army Wednesday.
That means P.E.I. food banks will be able to give some fresh produce to clients this winter.
I was hungry when I was a child. I don't want anybody to feel this hunger.- Betty Begg, Salvation Army worker
The Salvation Army handed out as much corn on the cob as they could on Thursday morning. They're blanching and freezing the rest to preserve and distribute this winter.
"I was hungry when I was a child. I don't want anybody to feel this hunger," said Salvation Army front-line worker Betty Begg. "This is my passion in life and this is what I do best."

"It would be so nice to get a bag of corn in their food bag," said Begg.
Volunteers with Food Exchange P.E.I., an organization dedicated to promoting reliable access to nutritional, affordable food in the community, harvested the crop and are helping with the winter preparations.
"It's a wonderful feeling. It makes me happy that I can do something to help," said volunteer Yanira Greener-Lapegna. "I think this is a win-win for everybody. People that need it get some, we gleaners can get a share also, and it's a lot of fun."