Canada Post informing Islanders of community mailbox locations
Canada Post says letters sent to residents in Charlottetown and Stratford with proposed sites

Canada Post officials say plans are progressing with the rollout of community mailboxes in Charlottetown and Stratford.
They say by now affected residents should have received a letter notifying them of the proposed locations for the community mailboxes in their area .
Door-to-door delivery will be phased out by the end of the year.
Canada Post spokesperson Anick Losier said there is a process in place for people to voice concerns or comments about the locations.
"If a resident, let's say that we have sent them a letter to say this is where we are proposing the site and they have concerns, there is a number dedicated to the people who are undergoing this change," said Losier. "We are also going to be doing door knocking to people's residence whose property is going to be adjacent to a proposed site."
"And it's really about making sure that they understand why we selected the site, why we consider this to be the best possible location, and ultimately to say are there any concerns that we should be aware of and should we make modifications?"
Losier said in some other areas where community mailboxes have already been introduced, up to 50 per cent of the locations have been changed through the feedback process.
She said a total of 8,400 homes in Charlottetown and Stratford will be affected by the changeover to the new boxes, which should be in place by the end of the fall.
She stresses that no postal workers will lose their jobs as a result of the new mailboxes but cuts will be made through attrition.