Charlottetown Airport warns travellers to arrive early
Air Canada has added extra seats to flights for summer months

High seat demand is creating longer than usual queues at Charlottetown Airport, and travellers are being warned to turn up early.
Air travellers are being told they should be at the airport at least 90 minutes before their scheduled departure time.

"Due to the additional seat capacity added for this season, our airline partners are experiencing higher than normal traffic levels," said Airport CEO Doug Newson.
"Travellers who aren’t checked-in before the airlines' cut-off deadline of 45 minutes may risk being denied boarding for their flight. It would be a very unfortunate experience for a departing traveller and a timely arrival at the airport can avoid that."
This is especially important for flights departing early morning and early evening, which are particularly busy times at the airport, said Newson.
Newson expects that the high seat demand situation will continue throughout August and into early September.
Air Canada added 100 seats a day to its flights because of an expected strong tourism season, in connection with 2014 celebrations on the Island. That's an increase in capacity at the airport of 21 per cent compared to last year.
Traffic at the airport was up 11 per cent in June compared to last year, even before Air Canada put on the extra seats.