Charlottetown blood collection workers set to strike on Labour Day
Canadian Blood Services says the blood supply will not be affected in any way

Blood collection workers in Charlottetown say they are preparing to strike as soon as Monday.
The Nova Scotia Union of Public and Private Employees says 11 of their members intend to strike to maintain a minimum number of hours for part time employees. The 11 members are phlebotomists and support staff, and all are part time.
The workers say they are concerned their employer may reduce their hours. Their collective agreement expired in March 2011.
"We don't want to any way jeopardize blood supply or patients, and we hope CBS blood donors will come back once the strike is over," said Tanya Herrell, the president of NSUPE Local 19 in a press release.
Workers at the blood services collection site in Charlottetown said if there is a strike on Labour Day, the Charlottetown site would not collect blood or plasma. Blood Services will contact any donors with appointments booked during a strike.
Canadian Blood Services said the blood distribution system is separate from the blood collection system, and the supply in P.E.I. hospitals would not be affected in any way.