Charlottetown condo development not welcomed at public meeting
Most people spoke out against the development

A proposed demolition of eight houses on Passmore and Chestnut streets in Charlottetown that would then be turned into a condo development with commercial space received a rough reception at a Wednesday night meeting.
People at the meeting mostly spoke up against the development, citing concerns the development would change the culture of the neighbourhood and that its height and width are too large.
Some of the people at the meeting spoke for the need for affordable housing and said the the houses should be fixed up.
The developer behind the project says he looked at fixing up the houses.
"It was determined by the professionals that it would not be feasible," said Phillip O'Halloran.
He also said he would look at affordable housing, but would need subsidises from some level of government to make that happen.
O'Halloran touted the development as a way of bringing more people to live and work in the downtown.
Comments will be sent to the city's planning board and it is expected council will be voting on the development soon.
The proposed project would have about 50 condo units.