Cleanup underway in P.E.I. after storm Arthur
About 5,000 customers without power as of Sunday afternoon

The cleanup has begun in the Charlottetown harbour, where three boats sank during post-tropical storm Arthur.
The boats, including a sailboat, sank on Saturday after the high winds changed direction and pummelled the Charlottetown Yacht Club docks. Its mast was sticking out of the water.
The boat, called Surprise, was hauled out of the water on Sunday.
"The yacht club in downtown Charlottetown was particularly hard hit," said the CBC's Patrick Faller. "We heard stories of docks and boat ramps being knocked about."
Meanwhile, there were roughly 5,000 customers without power as of Sunday afternoon, according to Maritime Electric.
The company said 19 crews were working on restoring power. The winds weakened considerably, which helped with the restoration effort.
The PEI 2014 Celebration Zone at Confederation Landing in Charlottetown was closed Sunday while staff assessed the site for damage from the storm.
"We are making every effort to get the Celebration Zone up and running, while first ensuring that all event site structures are safe for the public to enjoy," Penny Walsh McGuire, event executive director, said in a statement.
The Celebration Zone site is expected to be open for Monday's movie night.
The storm hit the Island on Saturday afternoon, bringing wind gusts of 105 km/h.
Other post-storm news:
- Surf conditions in P.E.I. National Park are considered dangerous. Officials say visitors should not go in the water.
- Confederation Bridge is open to all traffic.