P.E.I.'s unemployed youth the target of new training program
Young people between the ages of 15 and 30 are eligible for Connection 2 Employment

A new program designed to help unemployed youth in P.E.I. improve their skills so they can transition into the workforce or return to school is slated to launch later this month.
The 14-week Connection 2 Employment initiative offers group-based sessions, exposure to career and job opportunities, and specialized training to unemployed youth between the ages of 15 and 30.
The program covers things like time management, employer expectations, building resumés and cover letters, interview skills, teamwork, developing self-awareness and how to deal with stress.
A four-week work placement with private-sector employers is also available.
"Our government places a strong emphasis on youth, recognizing the link between lifelong learning, training and career growth," said Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown in a written statement.
"Connection 2 Employment is a project that aims to close the youth unemployment labour force gap, and Workforce and Advanced Learning is proud to partner on this initiative."
The program, which runs in Charlottetown, Montague, Summerside and West Prince, begins Feb. 22.
It's offered through a partnership between Skills PEI, the East Prince Youth Development Centre, Holland College and The Adventure Group,.