Cornwall pesticide bylaw passes 1st reading
Second reading and vote expected at December meeting

Cornwall town council has passed the first reading of a cosmetic pesticide bylaw.
The bylaw is the same as one recently passed in Stratford. It bans the use of non-domestic pesticides on any residential or commercial property within the town unless they only contain ingredients on a list of 40 allowable pesticides.
The ban would not apply to pesticides used to manage pests that transmit human diseases or affect agriculture or forestry.
Golf courses, buildings, and land used for public utilities or pipelines are also exempt.
"We are there to promote, grow and protect the residents and, to me personally, this is how I see this bylaw," said Cornwall Mayor Minerva McCourt.
"It is a step towards protecting our environment, protecting our land and, as well, protecting our future."
The bylaw also lists the fines for violations which range from $1,000 to $5,000.
The cosmetic pesticide bylaw is expected to go to second reading and a final vote at the December council meeting.