Credit Union Place staff say they're improving with each concert
Venue needs to be ready each and every concert

As James Taylor fans get ready to attend his almost sold-out concert in Summerside, P.E.I., Monday night, staff at the Credit Union Place say they are more than ready to host a concert like this, having learned from past experiences.
"We've been in the business since the building opened. We've had some bigger names enter our facility," said JP Desrosiers, Summerside's community services director, of hosting concerts such as John Fogerty and the Steve Miller Band.
A whole lot of hard work could be thrown out the window pretty quickly if we don't perform each and every time.- JP Derosiers
But Derosiers said Credit Union Place hosting Elton John for two sold-out concerts was the tipping point for them to get into the concert scene in the Maritimes.
Life after Elton John
"You talk to a lot of venue managers, I certainly do across the country, who says there's life before Elton John and there's life after Elton John and it's certainly a different life afterward.
"Not only does Elton John open up the doors to some new opportunities for hosting but it also is a great learning experience. I mean the level of detail that goes into being the host venue of one of these concerts is astounding."

"Elton John was a great way for us to set the pace, set the tone of how important detail is, and we've done an awful lot of them since and we're getting better every time we do a show."
Learned what a promoter wants
Derosiers said they have learned what a promoter is looking for when it goes looking for a venue to host a concert.
He said looking after an artist's crew is important as well as looking after the artist. This includes turning minor hockey dressing rooms into living rooms for their comfort.
Derosiers said they are also focusing on making each concert a better experience for the fans.
"We want to ensure that fans come to Summerside and enjoy themselves," he said, adding they want to make sure the fan feels like they are getting their money's worth.

Derosiers said having hosted numerous concerts since those Elton John shows five years ago has given him, and the staff, the confidence they need to continue.
"You're only as good as the last show you've hosted. Whether you've done a great job on Elton John five years ago or not is really irrelevant - James Taylor today and the last show we hosted is what we will always be measured against.
"A whole lot of hard work could be thrown out the window pretty quickly if we don't perform each and every time."
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With files from Steve Bruce