Cycling PEI urges daytime running lights for cyclists
Calls come after summer in which numerous collisions involving bikes, vehicles were reported

Cycling PEI is pushing for daytime running lights to be made mandatory for bicyclists in Prince Edward Island.
Executive director Mike Connolly says daytime running lights would make cyclists more visible during the day.
"The number-one priority for cyclists is to be visible and the flashing, white light will help," said Connolly.
"We strongly recommend for cyclists' own safety that they adopt the white light, especially for daytime running."
There were numerous bicycle accidents in daylight hours over the summer, says Cycling PEI.
Highway safety officials say there have been typically between seven and 14 collisions involving bicycles and motor vehicles each year over the last 10 years.
Cyling PEI made the recommendation in a recent meeting with officials the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.
Flashing light 'might be good idea'
"It's makes sense," said Connolly. "They were very open to looking at some of these. They didn't commit to making the change, but they would have to do their research."

"I guess the rule of thumb is always see and be seen," said Miner.
"The possibility of maybe having a little flashing light just to catch your attention as a motorist might be quite a good idea to use. It is under review."
P.E.I.'s Highway Traffic Act states all cyclists should have a white light and a red flashing light for nighttime driving, but it is silent on any requirements for daytime running lights.
Ontario legislation to make daytime running lights a requirement for cyclists went into effect Sept. 1.
Another change Cycling PEI is asking for is "share the road' legislation that would include motor vehicles leaving one metre of space when passing a cyclist when possible, and making motorists responsible for their vehicle door when they are entering or exiting it.